Rolling seas off a beach in south-east Madagascar [1440×960][OC]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

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Some learning, selected for this occasion 🙂

Rolling is a type of motion that combines rotation (commonly, of an axially symmetric object) and translation of that object with respect to a surface (either one or the other moves), such that, if ideal conditions exist, the two are in contact with each other without sliding.

The word sea can, aside from referring to the World Ocean, also mean a specific, much smaller body of water, such as the North Sea or the Red Sea.

A beach is a landform along the coast of an ocean or sea, or the edge of a lake or river. It usually consists of loose particles, which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones.

The points of the compass are points on a compass, specifically on the compass rose, marking divisions of the four cardinal directions: North, South, East, West.

Madagascar (/ËŒmædəˈɡæskÉ™r/ or /ËŒmædəˈɡæskÉ‘r/; Malagasy: Madagasikara), officially the Republic of Madagascar (Malagasy: Repoblikan’i Madagasikara [republiˈkʲan madaÉ¡asˈkʲarə̥]; French: République de Madagascar), and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-16 2:00:00, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques