Went on a family vacation to Aptos, California USA where I saw some crazy colors in the redwood forests. iPhone 5s. [OC] [1224 x 1632]
Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.
Original was/is available from https://imgur.com/V4LnuE8
Some learning, selected for this occasion 🙂
In the context of human society, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word “family”) and/or shared consumption (see nurture kinship).
A vacation or holiday is a leave of absence from a regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism.
Aptos is a census-designated place (CDP) in Santa Cruz County, California, United States. The population was 6,220 at the 2010 census.
California (/ˌkælᵻˈfɔːrnjə/ KAL-ə-FORN-yə, /ˌkælᵻˈfɔːrniə/ KAL-ə-FAWR-nee-ə) is the most populous state in the United States.
Published by DitPub on 2016-02-24 0:59:35, under the category “Beautiful World”
DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques