At the Summit of Mt. Elden Flagstaff, Arizona [3588×1708] | (OC)

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

Original was/is available from

Here are some definitions that might clarify something 🙂

A summit is a point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it.

A flagstaff is a staff for displaying a flag; see Flag#Flagpoles.

Arizona (/É›rɪˈzoÊŠnÉ™/; /ærɪˈzoÊŠnÉ™/) (Navajo: Hoozdo Hahoodzo; O’odham: AlÄ­ á¹£onak) is a state in the southwestern region of the United States.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-07 1:57:25, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques