Breathtaking Glen Canyon. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is a recreation and conservation unit of the National Park Service that encompasses the area around Lake Powell and lower Cataract Canyon in Utah and Arizona, covering 1,254,429 acres of mostly desert. Credit Tpsdave (1280 x 957)

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Here are some definitions that might clarify something 🙂

“A Breathtaking Guy” is a 1963 song written and produced by Smokey Robinson and released first by Motown singing group The Supremes (1963) and later by The Marvelettes (1971).

A glen is a valley, typically one that is long, deep, and often glacially U-shaped, or one with a watercourse running through it.

A gorge or canyon (cañon, old spelling occasionally still used) is a deep ravine between pairs of escarpments or cliffs and is the most often carved landscape by the erosive activity of a river over geologic timescales.

A glen is a valley, typically one that is long, deep, and often glacially U-shaped, or one with a watercourse running through it.

A gorge or canyon (cañon, old spelling occasionally still used) is a deep ravine between pairs of escarpments or cliffs and is the most often carved landscape by the erosive activity of a river over geologic timescales.

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The “need to do something for recreation” is an essential element of human biology and psychology.

Area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional figure or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane.

Published by DitPub on 2015-10-15 3:04:24, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques