Cirque of the Towers, Wyoming [5472 x 3648][OC]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

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Here are some definitions that might clarify something 🙂

A cirque (French, from the Latin word circus) is an amphitheatre-like valley head, formed at the head of a valley glacier by erosion.

A tower is a tall structure, taller than it is wide, often by a significant margin. Towers are distinguished from masts by their lack of guy-wires and are therefore, along with tall buildings, self-supporting structures.

Wyoming /waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/ is a state in the mountain region of the Western United States.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-13 23:18:44, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques