Devil’s Head, Alberta, Canada [OC] [2000×1333]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

Original was/is available from

Some learning, selected for this occasion 🙂

The Devil is a figure in some religions, particularly Abrahamic ones.

A head is the part of an organism, which usually comprises the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, each of which aid in various sensory functions, such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste.

Alberta (/ælˈbÉœrtÉ™/) is a western province of Canada. With an estimated population of 4,196,457 as of July 1, 2015, it is Canada’s fourth-most populous province and the most populous of Canada’s three prairie provinces.

Canada (/ˈkænÉ™dÉ™/) is a country in the northern part of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles), making it the world’s second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area.

Published by DitPub on 2015-12-18 19:19:52, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques