Lichtenberg Mountain and Lake Valhalla from Mount McCausland, WA [OC] [4288 x 2848]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

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It eventually makes sense to note that…

Lichtenberg is the eleventh borough of Berlin, Germany. In Berlin’s 2001 administrative reform it absorbed the former borough of Hohenschönhausen.

A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak.

A lake (in Scotland a loch and in Ireland a lough) is an area (prototypically filled with water, also of variable size), localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.

In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll “hall of the slain”) is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin.

McCausland (Mac Ausaláin in Gaelic), meaning “Son of Absolom” is a surname of Irish and Scottish origin.

Published by DitPub on 2015-10-26 9:08:29, under the category “Beautiful World”

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