Not Your Stereotypical Iowa – Mason City, IA (May, 2014) [3264×1840]

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Appropriate definitions, or not…

The pronoun you (stressed /ˈjuː/, unstressed /jə/) is the second-person personal pronoun, both singular and plural, and both nominative and oblique case, in Modern English.

In social psychology, a stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.

Iowa (/ˈaɪ.əwə/) is a U.S. state in the Midwestern United States, a region sometimes called the “American Heartland”.

A city is a large and permanent human settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town in general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.

Published by DitPub on 2015-10-14 20:39:27, under the category “Beautiful World”

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