Ready to see the ocean – Tulum, Mexico [5472 x 3648] [OC]

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An ocean (from Ancient Greek Ὠκεανός, transc. Okeanós, the sea of classical antiquity) is a body of saline water that composes much of a planet’s hydrosphere.

Tulum (Spanish pronunciation: [tu’lum], Yucatec: Tulu’um) is the site of a Pre-Columbian Maya walled city serving as a major port for Cobá.

Mexico (/ˈmɛksɨkoʊ/; Spanish: México [ˈmexiko]), officially the United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, listen ), is a federal republic in North America.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-16 2:36:37, under the category “Beautiful World”

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