Sunrise at Gunung Bromo on Java [OC] [8178×1788]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

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Not so random trivia. Did you know that…

Sunrise or sun up is the instant at which the upper edge of the Sun appears over the eastern horizon in the morning.

Gunung (also known as Gunong) is the Malay and Indonesian word for mountain – it is regularly used in volcano and mountain names throughout Southeast Asia.

Bromo is a prefix referring to the element Bromine.

Java (Indonesian: Jawa; Javanese: ꦗꦮ) is an island of Indonesia. The elongated volcano studded tropical island is noted for supporting a huge population, Java island itself is home to 57 percent of the Indonesian population (roughly 139 million in 2014, 143 million administratively which includes Madura), it is the most populous island on Earth, as an independent nation it would rank ninth in the world by population, having overtaken the Russian Federation by 2015. Java is a cultural superpower; much of Indonesian history took place on the island, its cultural legacy spreads far beyond Indonesia.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-07 2:53:56, under the category “Beautiful World”

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