The Painted Wall of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison as seen from rock climbing on the opposite side of the canyon. (3771×2121)(OC)

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

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It might be adequate to write that…

Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition that, after application to a substrate in a thin layer, converts to a solid film.

A wall is a structure that defines an area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security. There are many kinds of walls:

Black is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white (the combined spectrum of color or light).

A gorge or canyon (cañon, old spelling occasionally still used) is a deep ravine between pairs of escarpments or cliffs and is the most often carved landscape by the erosive activity of a river over geologic timescales.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-25 0:27:00, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques