Blood Mountain Lookout – North GA Appalachian Mountains [OC] [5184×3456] {f/20, 1/200 sec, 400ISO} *Criticism encouraged*

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

Original was/is available from

It eventually makes sense to note that…

Blood is a bodily fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak.

A lookout or look-out is a person on a ship in charge of the observation of the sea for hazards, other ships, land, etc.

North is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. North is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points.

A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak.

Published by DitPub on 2016-01-14 14:08:49, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques