Colorado River through Marble Canyon from Navajo Bridge – Marble Canyon, AZ [OC] [4608×2538]

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Back to school with the following…

Colorado (/kɒləˈrædoʊ/, or /kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ/) is a U.S. state encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains.

A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river.

Prepositions and postpositions, together called adpositions, are a class of words that express spatial or temporal relations (in, under, towards, before) or marking various semantic roles (of, for).

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite.

A gorge or canyon (cañon, old spelling occasionally still used) is a deep ravine between pairs of escarpments or cliffs and is the most often carved landscape by the erosive activity of a river over geologic timescales.

A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle.

Published by DitPub on 2015-08-29 4:54:36, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques