Found a very still, beautiful lake just next to Loch Lomond, wish I could have done it more justice with the photo [2974 × 1990] [OC]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

Original was/is available from

Not so random trivia. Did you know that…

Very is an intensifier in the English language.

A still is an apparatus used to distill liquid mixtures by heating to selectively boil and then cooling to condense the vapor.

Beautiful is an adjective used to describe things as possessing beauty.

A lake (in Scotland a loch and in Ireland a lough) is an area (prototypically filled with water, also of variable size), localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.

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Published by DitPub on 2015-11-14 1:17:16, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques