Lake Michigan coast with south Manitou Island in the distance. Empire, Michigan [OC][640×629]

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It might be adequate to write that…

A lake (in Scotland and Ireland, a loch) is an area (prototypically filled with water, also of variable size), localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.

Michigan /ˈmɪʃɨɡən/ is a state in the Great Lakes region of the Midwestern United States. The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning “large water” or “large lake”.

A coastline or a seashore is the area where land meets the sea or ocean, or a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean or a lake.

South is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. It is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points.

Manitou is the spiritual and fundamental life force understood by Algonquian groups of Native Americans.

An island /ˈaɪlənd/ or isle /ˈaɪl/ is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, skerries, cays or keys.

Published by DitPub on 2015-09-24 23:04:49, under the category “Beautiful World”

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