Walking through The Narrows, Zion National Park | by JMK Photography. [2048×2048]

Picture found by the Ditpub “Beautiful World” searcher.

Original was/is available from http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1521/24834994825_da95eda21b_k.jpg

Here are some definitions that might clarify something 🙂

This article is about the mode of transportation. For other uses, see Walk (disambiguation) and Walking (disambiguation).

Prepositions and postpositions, together called adpositions (or broadly, in English, simply prepositions), are a class of words that express spatial or temporal relations (in, under, towards, before) or marking various semantic roles (of, for).

A narrows is a restricted land or water passages. Most commonly a narrows is a strait, though it can also be a water gap.

Zion (Hebrew: צִיּוֹן‎ Ṣiyyôn), also transliterated Sion, Sayon, Syon, Tzion or Tsion, is a place name often used as a synonym for Jerusalem.

A park is an area of natural, semi-natural, or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats.

Published by DitPub on 2016-02-07 14:09:00, under the category “Beautiful World”

DitPub is a for-learning-&-fun-bot by Artur Marques