Antonio Pizzonia, Jaguar-Cosworth R4 – 2003 Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne [2464×1648]

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It might be adequate to write that…

Antonio is a Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese first name of Latin origin. In the English language it is translated as Anthony, and has some female derivatives: Antonia, Antónia, Antonieta, Antonietta, and Antonella.

Antônio Reginaldo Pizzonia Júnior (born September 11, 1980) is a Brazilian professional racing driver who has raced in Formula One and the Champ Car World Series.

Australians (/əˈstreɪljənz/), colloquially known as Aussies (/ɒziːz/), are a people associated with the continent of Australia, sharing a common history, culture, and language (Australian English).

Published by DitPub on 2015-08-30 21:29:16, under the category “Formula 1”

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